Sunday, March 20, 2016



Az me an da ol laidi wuz trayp-sen bout da wuuds wun dai
Wee mete dis fella maid of grene stuf sitten on da hey
Eth-l, mi luv, wuz cur…cur-i-us, so wee snuck up reel kwite
An wee wuz treet’d to wun hek uv a mar-bel-is site.

Da cree-chur wuz bangen his noggin wiff aul sort-ment uv roks
Hummen aut loude an eaten sqir…wigli tings frum a bigg ol bokz
Eazin clos-r an clos-r an clos-r wee cood heer wat he sed
Wee lissen in maizunt as he sunge an bopt doz stonz on hiz hed.

Duwanka, duwanka, duanka, moot-loo-d’may
Kin-ani, kin-ani, kin-ani, octo-aymos, me-me-nay
Pu-dini, an-too-too, be nnn-nnnn, say-ho
Lid-oso,lid-oso, lid-oso, mmm-mmm, pie-lo

I aint zactly no jen-i…I aint zackly no smarti butt I aint so dum
Dat I doan no gud poe…poe-tree dat com frum dat bum.
Eth-l muss a-gree wit me cuz shee git up an danzs aul bout
I coont stop hur az shee wigl and twurl an hol-r an showt

But dat funi looken rime-ster aul dek-t aut so scali and grene
Kep popen deem bugs an spidy an acken lyke he not be sene
He stan up, I gess, couse hiz tors…tors…hiz body git long-r
An he startz wav-n his sics armz az hiz poem-n git strong-r

T’coomo, cam-cam, leeo-leeto, bomo-bo, bam, tis
Ramosi, ramosi, ramosi, can-no-no, bita dis
Dykee-bool-bool, sibi-bool, tando-nod, fu-jank
Alt-ibi, atl-ibi, alt-ibi, cum tasi, na-na fank

If dat wernt da dangdess ting tu wit…to sea wit deez ol ize
Him singen, poemen and choowen wit moufs uv free diff-ert syz
Butt Eth-k not notis deez weer…weer…strayng tings he du
An she git so ec-cite-d shee maik move I don’t know shee new

I coont reely blaim her dow, cuz da poamen wuz reel kul
Sow I gitz up frum mi sori but an startz juggin lyk a sili fuul
Aul dis raket maik dat son tern ta us an cleer aul dem froats
Den he winc aul dem pinki iz and strayn to reech em noats

Lila, lala, masoona, lala-me remooze la’doo
Koomooy, koomooy, koomooy, shundala ipso-zoo
Shib, loomlee, loomtree, mmm cazooba da-bit
Kal’s bess wishez tu aul hoo reed dis dum shitt.

Copyright © 2016 Lawrence Entertainment Group

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